
The power of documenting your journey

Let”s set the scene for this story. It’s 8:23am and I’m supposed to be at the gym. Clearly I’m not, and instead I have this crazy inspiration to write about documenting your journey. I have a cold (my second son, Don has a cold and i am yet to see a time when my kids catch a cold and I don’t catch it from them) and the cold meds are making my head fuzzy.

But that’s not all that’s wrong. I’m having one of those down days, where I’m questioning everything I’m working on and wondering if it is even worth the effort in the first place. Does that sound familiar? I’m sure it does. Because even though i am feeling uninspired and sooo not creative, I know that this too shall pass. So while I’m having my coffee at the dinning table that used to be my office desk before I upgraded my office last month, I decide to head into CEO school and learn something new. I write all about my CEO school experience here.

Documenting your journey
The power of Documenting your journey

Anyway I’m having coffee, and listening to a fireside chat with Jasmine Star, yes, THE Jasmine star and she’s talking about how she started her blog just to document her journey and teach people what she’s learning. I could relate with it so much because that is how my own journey started.

I started the YouTube channel without having any skills to share. I was learning all these new things, growing up real fast and I wanted to share. I got married really young, at 22, and I really had no clue about real life. I was an only child who had been sheltered all her life, so marriage was learning curve after learning curve and my mom could not shelter me there. Matter of fact, I now had people to shelter.

Documenting your journey
Documenting your journey

I started to search for myself and that process, I wanted to share. So my first videos had nothing to do with digital marketing or social media. They were general topics on self love, confidence, etc. It was that process that led me to learning Instagram marketing and video editing so that more people could find my channel. That led to wanting to teach people what i was learning about social media marketing and how we found out way here.

Listening to Jasmine share her story reminded me of how I started, inspired me to keep going and reminded me of the importance of documenting your journey. On a day like this when I’m feeling down and not in my powerful energy, her sharing her story reminded me of where I started from, how far i have come and how sharing my own story can inspire you to document your journey too.

Documenting your journey
Never stop documenting

There is power in process but while you are going through it, you might not realize it. I remember seeing a comic where this guy was asked to find the apple and he couldn’t find it. The image was then zoomed out and it turned out that he was standing right on top of the ‘p’ in apple. Documenting your journey will give you perspective in the long run. It will help you realize that even if you didn’t know it, there was always a destination and everything you went through was leading you there.

Suggested listen : Give yourself permission to show up now

So even if you don’t think your story is a block buster, it can be someone’s compass. For me, if my story helps just one woman realize her potential, I have accomplished what I set out to do.

And hey, even if you are not proud of your story right now, you can document in private until you are confident enough to share. That’s still okay. I’d love to help you with the journey in any way I can. You can book a call to see how I can.

Good luck and fierce hugs from here!

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