
How to build a brand that outlives you!

In 1714, a little known poet who had just spent his first season in London released his third poem.

That poem, The Rape of the Lock, would be the first of many to make Alexander Pope the most famous Poet in England.

But at the point of this release, the writing / poetic / publishing industry was just at it’s early stages.

Something like where Personal Branding and the Digital creative economy is right now.

It would take 400 years for the body of work we know now as the literary world to have achieved what it has achieved and new authors are still being discovered.

How on earth can you then think that you are late to the creator economy? That your Niche is Saturated? That many others are doing what you want to do and that is reason enough to not do it?

Years after Pope walked this earth, his work is a solid fixture in English school syllabus.

We will all leave this earth but right now, right here, you can create what will outlive you.

Podcasts. Videos. Books. Art. Articles.

These are vehicles for your ideas that will go beyond you, take on a life of their own, and build your brand to authority levels if you do it right.

The question is, do you want it enough?

This moment, right now, is a time where you alone, from wherever in the world you are, can make your voice heard.

Possibilities have never been this within reach.

Age, gender, race, they can’t stop you.

Only you can stop you.

Where to Begin?

Do you have to be a world class poet?

Or a genius?

Short answer: No

You don’t have to be anything other than who you are right now,

commit to solving a problem, meet a need with what you know,

And take yourself seriously enough to do what you said you would do.

That’s how you Build an audience.

That’s how you immortalize your ideas.

Thats how you create an income source that doesn’t suck the life out of you.

Ready to begin? Here’s a free brand new training just for you!

And here’s a podcast where we analyze revenue generation from your creativity!

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